Privacy Policy

Information you Provide to Us

The following applies to any information you provide to us, for example during the registration or ordering process.

  • You authorise us to use, store or otherwise process any personal information which relates to and identifies you, including but not limited to your name and address, to the extent reasonably necessary to provide the services which are available through our website by us, our suppliers, our partners, successors (including the purchaser of the whole or part of our business), associates, sub-contractors or other third parties (together our “Partner Companies”).
  • If you obtain or choose to buy products from our website then we may collect information about your buying behaviour and if you send us personal correspondence such as emails or letters or other messages, then we may collect this information into a file specific to you (together, the various purposes set out in this paragraph and in our privacy policy shall be known as the “Purposes”). All such information collected by us shall be referred to in these terms and conditions as “Personal Information”.
  • You must ensure that the personal information you provide is accurate and complete and that all ordering or registration details (where applicable) contain your correct name, address and other requested details. For more information about how we deal with your personal information, please read our privacy policy. By accepting these terms and conditions, you agree to the processing and disclosure of the personal information for the purposes. If you would like to review or modify any part of your personal information then you should contact us via email. In addition, the following applies to all messages, emails, ideas, suggestions, concepts and other material submitted by you to us (“Content”).
  • You must own or have the right to submit content for publication on our website and all content submitted by you must be legal, honest, decent and truthful and comply with all applicable laws, regulations, standards and/or codes of practice;
  • You must ensure that all content submitted to us does not infringe the copyright, design, privacy, publicity, data protection, trade mark or any other rights of any third party, nor be obscene, abusive, threatening, libellous or defamatory of any person or be otherwise unlawful;
  • You must ensure that the content does not advertise or otherwise solicit for funds or is a solicitation for products or services; and
  • We have the right to monitor content and may elicit, reject remove or change content if we believe it does not comply with the above and, in particular, we reserve the right to block incoming emails and other content if we believe that their content is, or may be inappropriate or otherwise does not comply with the above. You grant us a non-exclusive, irrevocable, royalty free, worldwide licence to publish all content that you submit to us except any portion of the content that is personal information. You have sole responsibility for the content which you submit to us and you shall indemnify and shall keep us fully and effectively indemnified on demand from and against all actions, claims, losses, liability, proceedings, damages, costs, expenses, loss of business, loss of profits, business interruption and other pecuniary or consequential loss (including legal costs and expenses) suffered or incurred by us and arising directly or indirectly out of the publication of Content submitted by you to us. You warrant and undertake that you will not use our website for any purpose that is illegal or prohibited by these terms and conditions, including without limitation the posting or transmitting of any libellous, defamatory, inflammatory or obscene material. If you breach these terms and conditions then your permission to use this website terminates immediately without the necessity of any notice being given to you. We retain the right to deny access to any person who fails to comply with these terms and conditions.
  • We are pleased to receive your contributions to the website (these include tips, discussion groups, product reviews, videos and anywhere else that your contributions are included on the website). We point out that the website is international and is accessible throughout the world and that by contributing in any way to the website, as above, you are consenting to the publication of your contribution on our websites. Moji Salehi reserves the right to edit or not to display any contributions for whatever reason where necessary. No correspondence will be entered into regarding this.

Data Privacy

Moji Salehi is committed to protecting your privacy. We have developed this policy because we want you to feel confident about the privacy and security of your personal information. This Privacy Policy explains our data processing practices and your options regarding the ways in which your personal data is used.

Moji Salehi is committed to safeguarding your personal information. Whenever you provide such information, we are legally obliged to use your information in line with all laws concerning the protection of personal information, including the Data Protection Act 1998 (these laws are referred to collectively in this Privacy Policy as the “data protection laws”).

The website contains hyperlinks to websites owned and operated by third parties. These third party websites have their own privacy policies, including cookies, and we urge you to review them. They will govern the use of personal information you submit or are collected by cookies whilst visiting these websites. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for the privacy practices of such third party websites and your use of such websites is at your own risk.

If you have any requests concerning your personal information or any queries with regard to our processing please contact us via email.